Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cabin Fever!

As you can see, I'm not going anywhere today. Lake effect snow has edged further inland today, and I feel like I'm living in a snow globe.

Cabin Fever is a state of mind that knows no logic. If the roads were clear and dry, I would be content to stay at home, doing my normal Sunday stuff. But I can't go anywhere, and suddenly I have this intense urge to go somewhere or do anything. Anything away from the house.

I'm done with Christmas knitting. I kept my gift knitting to a minimum and managed to surprise myself with a nice variety of knitted warm stuff for my family. I took a picture, but won't post till after we have our Christmas get together. Sometime in February, when the roads clear up.

I've moved on to knitting for babies, and I aim to make a delivery to the hospital in mid-January. I have just over a dozen ready to go, and maybe I can make it 2 dozen.

They say that the hats for newborns should fit over a medium grapefruit, and preemies are closer to oranges. I happened to have some beautiful ruby red grapefruit from Texas (Thanks, Mom!) and so I thought I would check out the hats.

Yup. They fit alright. Don't worry, I'll wash the hats before they go to the hospital.

1 comment:

  1. That is a cute photo. The grapefruit make nice rosy baby faces!
